“Thanks for the follow” in Japanese?

“Thanks for the follow” in Japanese?

Hi, I’m Takaya Suzuki. I am a translator from Japan.

How would you say “Thanks for the follow” in Japanese? Today, let’s take a look at how we can say “Thanks for the follow” in Japanese. 今日は “Thanks for the follow” を日本語でどう言うか見ていきます。


“Thanks for the follow” in Japanese would be “フォローありがとうございます”

“Thanks for the follow” in Japanese would be “フォローありがとうございます”.

“Thanks for the follow.”

“フォロー” is a noun meaning a follow on social media. “フォローありがとうございます” means “Thanks for the follow.”

Phrases related to “Thanks for the follow” in Japanese

Phrases related to “Thanks for the follow” in Japanese

“Thanks for the follow” in Japanese would be “フォローありがとうございます”. Now, let’s take a look at some phrases related to “Thanks for the follow” in Japanese.


ありがとう (Thank you)
ありがとうございます (Thank you)

ありがとう vs ありがとうございます

“ありがとう” and “ありがとうございます” both mean “thank you” but “ありがとうございます” is more polite.

How was it? Today, we took a look at how we could say “Thanks for the follow” in Japanese.


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