“Let’s take a break” in Japanese?

“Let's take a break” in Japanese?

Hi, I’m Takaya Suzuki. I am a translator from Japan.

How would you say “let’s take a break” in Japanese? Today, let’s take a look at how we can say “let’s take a break” in Japanese. 今日は “Let’s take a break” を日本語でどう言うか見ていきます。


“Let’s take a break” in Japanese would be “休憩しましょう”

“Let’s take a break” in Japanese would be “休憩しましょう”.

“Let’s take a break.”

“休憩 (きゅうけい)” is a noun meaning a break, and to take a break is “休憩する” in Japanese.

休憩しましょう” means “let’s take a break.”

You can also say “休憩しよう”.

“Let’s take a break.”

休憩しましょう vs 休憩しよう

“休憩しましょう” and “休憩しよう” both mean “let’s take a break” but “休憩しましょう” is more formal.

Phrases related to “Let’s take a break” in Japanese

Phrases related to “Let's take a break” in Japanese

“Let’s take a break” in Japanese would be “休憩しましょう”. Now, let’s take a look at some phrases related to “let’s take a break” in Japanese.

There are two ways to say “let’s do something” in Japanese. One is by using “ましょう”, and the other is by using the volitional form.

You can change verbs into the volitional form by adding “おう” at the end.

行く ⇒ 行こう
走る ⇒ 走ろう
歌う ⇒ 歌おう

You can change verbs into the polite form by adding “います” at the end.

行く ⇒ 行きます
走る ⇒ 走ります
歌う ⇒ 歌います

You can say “let’s do something” by changing the “ます” to “ましょう”.

行きます ⇒ 行きましょう
走ります ⇒ 走りましょう
歌います ⇒ 歌いましょう

Using “ましょう” makes it sound more polite than using the volitional form.

How was it? Today, we took a look at how we could say “Let’s take a break” in Japanese.


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