“Hard work pays off” in Japanese?

“Hard work pays off” in Japanese?

Hi, I’m Takaya Suzuki. I am a translator from Japan.

How would you say “Hard work pays off” in Japanese? Today, let’s take a look at how we can say “Hard work pays off” in Japanese. 今日は “Hard work pays off” を日本語でどう言うか見ていきます。


“Hard work pays off” in Japanese would be “努力は報われる”

“Hard work pays off” in Japanese would be “努力は報われる”.

“Hard work pays off.”

“努力 (どりょく)” is a noun meaning hard work, and “報 (むく) われる” is a verb that means to pay off.

努力は報われる” means “Hard work pays off.”

Phrases related to “Hard work pays off” in Japanese

Phrases related to “Hard work pays off” in Japanese

“Hard work pays off” in Japanese would be “努力は報われる”. Now, let’s take a look at some phrases related to “Hard work pays off” in Japanese.


努力は報われる (Hard work pays off)
努力は必ず報われる (Hard work always pays off)

“必 (かなら) ず” is an adverb meaning without fail.

How was it? Today, we took a look at how we could say “Hard work pays off” in Japanese. 今日は “Hard work pays off” の日本語での言い方をご紹介しました。


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