“I’m a Gemini” in Japanese?

“I'm a Gemini” in Japanese?

Hi, I’m Takaya Suzuki. I am a translator from Japan.

How would you say “I’m a Gemini” in Japanese? Today, let’s take a look at how we can say “I’m a Gemini” in Japanese. 今日は “I’m a Gemini” を日本語でどう言うか見ていきます。


“I’m a Gemini” in Japanese would be “ふたご座です”

“I’m a Gemini” in Japanese would be “ふたご座です”.

“I’m a Gemini.”

“ふたご座 (ざ)” is a noun meaning Taurus.

The literal translation of “I’m a Gemini” would be “私はふたご座です”, but you don’t need to mention the subject in Japanese when the meaning is clear enough without it, so in this case you wouldn’t need to say it.

Phrases related to “I’m a Gemini” in Japanese

Phrases related to “I'm a Gemini” in Japanese

“I’m a Gemini” in Japanese would be “ふたご座です”. Now, let’s take a look at some phrases related to “I’m a Gemini” in Japanese.


うお座 (Pisces)
おひつじ座 (Aries)
おうし座 (Taurus)
ふたご座 (Gemini)
かに座 (Cancer)
しし座 (Leo)
おとめ座 (Virgo)
てんびん座 (Libra)
さそり座 (Scorpio)
いて座 (Sagittarius)
やぎ座 (Capricorn)
みずがめ座 (Aquarius)

うお座です (I’m a Pisces)
おひつじ座です (I’m an Aries)
おうし座です (I’m a Taurus)
ふたご座です (I’m a Gemini)
かに座です (I’m a Cancer)
しし座です (I’m a Leo)
おとめ座です (I’m a Virgo)
てんびん座です (I’m a Libra)
さそり座です (I’m a Scorpio)
いて座です (I’m a Sagittarius)
やぎ座です (I’m a Capricorn)
みずがめ座です (I’m an Aquarius)

How was it? Today, we took a look at how we could say “I’m a Gemini” in Japanese. 今日は “I’m a Gemini” の日本語での言い方をご紹介しました。


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