“What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese?

“What's your favorite song?” in Japanese?

Hi, I’m Takaya Suzuki. I am a translator from Japan.

How would you say “What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese? Today, let’s take a look at how we can say “What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese. 今日は “What’s your favorite song?” を日本語でどう言うか見ていきます。


“What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese would be “好きな曲はなんですか”

“What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese would be “好きな曲はなんですか”.

“What’s your favorite song?”

“曲 (きょく)” is a noun meaning songs, and “好 (す) き” is a な-adjective meaning to like or to love.

好きな曲はなんですか” means “What’s your favorite song?”

Phrases related to “What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese

Phrases related to “What's your favorite song?” in Japanese

“What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese would be “好きな曲はなんですか”. Now, let’s take a look at some phrases related to “What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese.


好きな映画はなんですか (What’s your favorite movie?)
好きな曲はなんですか (What’s your favorite song?)
好きな教科はなんですか (What’s your favorite subject?)
好きな色はなんですか (What’s your favorite color?)

犬が好き (I love dogs)
猫が好き (I love cats)
コーヒーが好き (I love coffee)
野球が好き (I love baseball)
音楽が好き (I love music)

料理が好き (I love cooking)
スキーが好き (I love skiing)
釣りが好き (I love fishing)
サーフィンが好き (I love surfing)
買い物が好き (I love shopping)
旅行が好き (I love traveling)

How was it? Today, we took a look at how we could say “What’s your favorite song?” in Japanese. 今日は “What’s your favorite song?” の日本語での言い方をご紹介しました。


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