“How was your trip?” in Japanese?

“How was your trip?” in Japanese?

Hi, I’m Takaya Suzuki. I am a translator from Japan.

How would you say “How was your trip?” in Japanese? Today, let’s take a look at how we can say “How was your trip?” in Japanese. 今日は “How was your trip?” を日本語でどう言うか見ていきます。


“How was your trip?” in Japanese would be “旅行はどうでしたか”

“How was your trip?” in Japanese would be “旅行はどうでしたか”.

“How was your trip?.”

“旅行 (りょこう)” is a noun meaning a trip, and “どう” is a question word meaning how.

旅行はどうでしたか” means “How was your trip?”

You can also “旅行どうだった”.

“How was your trip?.”

旅行はどうでしたか vs 旅行どうだった

“旅行はどうでしたか” and “旅行どうだった” both mean “How was your trip?”, but “How was your trip?” is more polite.

Phrases related to “How was your trip?” in Japanese

Phrases related to “How was your trip?” in Japanese

“How was your trip?” in Japanese would be “旅行はどうでしたか”. Now, let’s take a look at some phrases related to “How was your trip?” in Japanese.

You use “どうでしたか” when you want to ask someone what they think about something.

仕事はどうでしたか (How was work?)
学校はどうでしたか (How was school?)
練習はどうでしたか (How was practice?)
映画はどうでしたか (How was the movie?)
面接はどうでしたか (How was your interview?)

仕事どうだった (How was work?)
学校どうだった (How was school?)
練習どうだった (How was practice?)
映画どうだった (How was the movie?)
面接どうだった (How was your interview?)

How was it? Today, we took a look at how we could say “How was your trip?” in Japanese. 今日は “How was your trip?” の日本語での言い方をご紹介しました。


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